Bref, i got this idea from a friend. He sent me a picture about.. let me sum it up, the point is if you want to have something, start to work on it now and do continuously, you will get what you want. There is no right time to start but now. Well actually i have been planning to write and make this blog live again since months ago. Yet i always have excuses to not to do it. So until now, i have nothing written and no writing skill progress. Congratulations me! Do you have the same problem? Congratulations you!
What is CHALLENGE YOURSELF CHALLENGE? As you can read, it's a challenge to challenge yourself. You can challenge yourself to do anything, like your hobbies (ie writing, cooking, playing guitar), your target (ie save money for trip, read more books), or and your goals (ie do workout to get body goals), literally anything. It has one condition: you have to do it every single day. I know it's hard to do something persistently but if we have someone to remind us, we know someone is doing the same thing, or someone who do it together with us, it'd be much more fun.
What you have to do?
Simple. All you need to do are: choose what you challenge yourself to (can be more than 1), set your time target, tell it to people or a friend, share your progress of each day (by photos or videos), and ask them to remind you so you won't miss a day. You can ask them to join this as well!
We know there's no magic or spell to make ourselves, great nor to get what we want instantly, but we can progressing. Be the better us each day. Result won't betray the effort.
Here's my progress for today, where's yours? (I wish i could finish it)
#challengeyourselfchallenge #cyc
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